Mental Toughness vs. Physical Readiness: Are You Confusing the Two?‍

At Lakeway Personal Training, we tailor fitness plans to match both your mental toughness and physical readiness.
Coach Liz
September 23, 2024
Mental Toughness vs. Physical Readiness: Are You Confusing the Two?‍

When starting a training plan, many new clients are scared to death that it will feel like a bootcamp. They imagine grueling sessions meant to break them down, and understandably, they don’t want any part of that. While there’s merit to bootcamps and the mental toughness they can build, they aren’t necessarily the path to the results you’re seeking. 

Yes, mental toughness matters. What we really mean by "mental toughness" is the ability to parent yourself into doing hard things—whether it’s washing the dishes, going to work, performing well in school, or cleaning your room. Going to the gym is no different. It requires discipline—but not the kind that pushes you to endure a training plan designed for a 20-year-old male preparing for combat. Your “bootcamp” should match you, your goals, and your life.

Will it be challenging? Absolutely, especially if you’ve never developed the habit of going to the gym. But what it shouldn’t be is physically impossible based on where you are now. At Lakeway Personal Training (LEFPT), we spend a great deal of time getting to know your personal circumstances before designing a plan that aligns with your goals. Some people will walk, some will run, and some may resist every step of the way—and that’s perfectly fine. 

Our expert trainers know how to motivate even the most reluctant clients with kindness and understanding. Gone are the days of shame-based coaching. No one should feel coerced into doing something they don’t want to do, which is why we prioritize education. My favorite clients are often the toughest to coach. They won’t blindly follow commands—they want to know *why*, and they have every right to ask.

So, how do we do this differently at LEFPT?

It starts with a comprehensive assessment. We don’t just jump into a workout plan; we first evaluate where you are and fully understand where you want to go. We also take a close look at your current obligations and lifestyle to set realistic expectations about your ability to commit. This way, we craft a plan that’s not only effective but also practical and achievable given your unique circumstances.

Next, we provide a personalized plan tailored to your specific goals and needs. But we don’t stop there. Our expert guidance offers step-by-step support, whether you need extensive help or just occasional check-ins. You’re never alone in this journey—our trainers are here to provide the right level of support to help you stay on track and succeed.

Our gym is another key difference. It’s fully equipped, clean, and organized, and we maintain a space that isn’t overcrowded. This ensures a comfortable and effective training environment. 

But perhaps the most significant factor is our community. At LEFPT, you’ll find a group of like-minded individuals who share your commitment to health and fitness. This supportive network can make all the difference, transforming your gym experience from something you avoid into something you actually look forward to.

Experience a training plan that understands you and supports you every step of the way. At LEFPT, we’re here to help you build both mental toughness and physical readiness, creating a path to your goals that’s as unique as you are. 

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