In the pursuit of the ideal physique, many women often overlook the simplest and most effective solution: quality sleep. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Yet, despite adding more work, more demands, and more stress, sleep remains the lowest-hanging fruit within reach.
You've likely heard the recommendation to get 8+ hours of sleep each night. But you might be surprised to learn just how far off the mark you truly are. Devices like WHOOP, Oura, or Garmin can provide the reality check you need.
Women need 8+ hours of quality sleep, starting from when they actually fall asleep—not just when they go to bed. For example, if you go to bed at 9 PM but don't fall asleep until 10 or 10:30 PM, the 8-hour count starts at 10 or 10:30 PM. If you're only falling asleep around midnight, you're missing out on crucial restorative cycles. Your body starts to wake up around 4 AM, cutting off the time you should be reaching deep sleep just before your wake-up time.
Muscle grows while you are sleeping; training encourages the adaptation, but sleep is when the actual growth happens. Proper nutrition should blunt the demand for cortisol throughout the day, allowing your body to focus on repair and growth during sleep.
For those fighting menopause and experiencing waning hormone levels, the impact of lack of sleep is even more significant. It's like trying to cool your house with the air conditioning on while all the windows are open. The lack of sleep undermines your body's efforts to balance hormones and recover.
The hardest challenge isn't the workout; it's teaching yourself to get to bed by 8:30 or 9 PM nightly. Staying up until 10:30 or 11 PM should be an exception, not the rule. Consistent, full-cycle sleep—including light sleep, REM, and deep sleep—is essential night after night.
Prioritizing sleep is a game-changer for achieving the physique you desire and maintaining hormone balance, especially during menopause. By ensuring you get quality sleep, you can reduce stress, grow muscle, and reach your fitness goals more effectively.